Statement of the Ministry of Health under the Freedom of Information Act 2022


Updated Public Statement of the Ministry of Health in Compliance with Sections 7, 8 and 9 of the Freedom of Information Act, Chapter 22:02

General Information for all Divisions in the Ministry of Health

 In accordance with Sections 7, 8 and 9 of the Freedom of Information Act Chapter 22:02, (the Act) the Ministry of Health is required by law to publish the various categories of documents and information available for public scrutiny.

 The Act gives the public:

  1. A legal right for each person to access information held by the Public Authority;
  2. A legal right for each person to have personal information where it is incomplete, incorrect or misleading;
  3. A legal right to obtain reasons for adverse decisions made regarding an applicant’s request for information under the Act;
  4. A legal right to complain to the Ombudsman and to apply to the High Court for Judicial Review to challenge adverse decisions made under the Act.

Section 7 Statements

Section 7(1)(a/(i)

Ministry of Health Administrative Headquarters


To provide leadership for the health sector by focusing on evidence based policy making, planning, monitoring, evaluation, collaboration and regulation.

The Ministry of Health comprises fifteen (15) Directorates:

1. Corporate Communications Unit, located at Park Plaza, Port of Spain;

2.  Directorate of Women’s Health, located at Park Plaza, Port of Spain;

3.   Finance and Accounts, located at 63 Park Street, Port of Spain;

4.   Health Policy Planning and Research, located at 63 Park Street, Port of Spain;

5.   Health Programmes and Technical Support Services, located at level 3, Sacred Heart Building, Sackville Street, Port-of-Spain;

6.   Health Promotion Communication and Public Health, located at 63 Park Street, Port of Spain;

7.   Human Resource Management Division, located at 63 Park Street, Port of Spain;

8.   Health Sector Advisory Unit located at 63 Park Street, Port of Spain;

9.   Health Sector Human Resource Planning and Development located at 63 Park Street, Port of Spain;

10. Health Services Quality Management, located at 63 Park Street, Port of Spain;

11. Information Systems/Information Technology, located at Park Plaza, Port of Spain;

12. Internal Audit, located at 63 Park Street, Port of Spain;

13. International Cooperation Desk, located at 63 Park Street, Port of Spain;

14. Legal Services, located at 63 Park Street, Port of Spain;

15. General Administration, located at 63 Park Street, Port of Spain.

The Ministry of Health is responsible for developing health policy, planning, monitoring, information and public awareness, regulating, financing and purchasing health services, whereas the five (5) Regional Health Authorities listed hereunder have been created as statutory bodies having the responsibility for the delivery of public health care services in Trinidad and Tobago.  Members of the public are required to access information directly from the respective Regional Health Authorities, which will also be publishing statements on their own behalf:

The North-West Regional Health Authority;

The North-Central Regional Health Authority;

The South-West Regional Health Authority;

The Eastern Regional Health Authority; and

The Tobago Regional Health Authority.

The Tobago Regional Health Authority (TRHA) falls under the direct remit of the Tobago House Assembly, pursuant to the Tobago House of Assembly Act, Chapter 25:03.

The following Entities/Boards/Committees fall under the remit of the Ministry of Health:

1. The National Emergency Ambulance Services Authority

2. The Children’s Life Fund Authority

3. The Drug Advisory Committee

4. The Food Advisory Committee

5. The Clinical Assessment Committee

6. The National Mental Health Committee

7. The Emergency Ambulance Regulatory Committee

8. The Private Hospitals Board

9. The Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Control Board.

The following independent entities while not part of the Ministry of Health, provide regulatory services to their respective professions:

  1. The Medical Board of Trinidad and Tobago
  2. The Pharmacy Board of Trinidad  and Tobago
  3. The Opticians Registration Council of Trinidad and Tobago
  4. The Dental Council of Trinidad and Tobago
  5. The Professions Related to Medicine Board
  6. The Nursing Council of Trinidad and Tobago
  7. The Emergency Medical Personnel Board.

Consequently, members of the public are advised to access information directly from the respective Councils/Boards/Committees.

In accordance with its mandate, the Ministry of Health has retained control of the administration of seventeen (17) Units comprising of Vertical Services, Health Programmes and Technical Support Services.  These Units provide specialist services on a national scale.  They are broad based and impact on the entire country.  The Vertical Services comprise:

1.         Insect Vector Control Division;

2.         Queen’s Park Counselling Centre and Clinic;

3.         Veterinary Public Health Unit.

4.         Chemistry, Food and Drugs Division;

5.         Health Education Division;

6.         Trinidad Public Health Laboratory;

7.         Disaster Preparedness Coordinating Unit;    

8.         Population Programme Unit;

9.         Public Health Inspectorate;

10.       HIV/ AIDS Co-ordinating Unit;       

11.       National Blood Transfusion Services (NBTS);

12.       Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) Medical Services;

13.       Nutrition and Metabolism Division;

14.       School Health Programme;

15.       Hansen’s Disease Control Unit;

16.       National Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Programme (NADAPP);

17.       Mental Health Unit.

Responsibilities of the Units classified as National Vertical Services

1.                   Insect Vector Control Division

The Mission of the Insect Vector Control Division is to provide a service for the protection of the nation’s health from vector borne diseases through the application of safe, effective and economical integration of appropriate sustainable vector control measures.  Towards this end, the unit engages in detection and surveillance activities with a view to preventing the outbreak of diseases.  This Division is located at Jerningham Junction, Extension Road, Cunupia.  The telephone number is 612-4823. The email address is

2.         Queen’s Park Counselling Centre & Clinic

The Queen’s Park Counselling Centre & Clinic provides quality health care to clients with STIs/ HIV/AIDS, their contacts and others concerned in an affordable, sustainable and equitable manner and also seeks to control the incidence of these diseases in Trinidad and Tobago.

Services provided include:

  • Clinic Care;
  • Counselling;
  • Blood Testing for Sexual Transmission Infections (STI)/HIV-AIDS;
  • Treatment for STIs;
  • Referrals for further care and/or treatment of sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS.

This is located on the compound of the General Hospital, Port-of-Spain.  The telephone number is 625-2556. The email address is

3.         Veterinary Public Health Unit

The Mission of the Veterinary Public Health Unit is to apply veterinary skills and knowledge for the advancement of human health.  Activities of the Unit include:

  • preventing human diseases from food of animal origin.
  • assisting in the prevention and control of zoonotic diseases, that is, animal diseases transmittable to human.
  • providing advisory services in Veterinary Public Health

This Unit is located at the Special Programmes and Services Unit, Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Champs Fleur.  The telephone number is 226-7778, extension 6004. The email address is

4.         Chemistry Food and Drugs Division

The Mission of the Chemistry, Food and Drugs Division is to:

  • ensure safe quality of an equitable standard for use by consumers of food, drugs, cosmetics and medical devices;
  • ensure safety in use, the proper management and acceptable standards for pesticides and toxic chemicals;
  • provide technological and laboratory services in the areas of food, drug, cosmetics, medical devices, pesticides and toxic chemicals.

The Division is the body responsible for the administration of the Food and Drugs Act, Chapter 30:01 and Regulations made thereunder and the Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Act Chapter 30:03 and Regulations made thereunder. It is also supported by:

  • The Drug Advisory Committee, which is mandated to assist and advise the Minister of Health with respect to:
  • Drug Standards; Schedules of Drugs; Conditions for sale of drugs; and
  • Cosmetics standards; labelling of Cosmetics; and any other matters connected therewith.
  • A Food Advisory Committee, which is mandated to assist and advise the Minister of Health with respect to food standards, labelling and other matters connected with the manufacturing and distribution of food.
  • The Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Board which is responsible for the regulation of pesticides and toxic chemicals.

The Chemistry Food and Drugs Division is located at the Maraj Building, #92 Frederick Street, Port-

of Spain. The email address is

In addition, the Chemistry Food and Drugs Division has conducted a number of research projects in various areas such as Lead Poisoning, Asbestos, Sick Building Syndrome and Pesticides.  Some of these projects were done in conjunction with other agencies such as the Environmental Management Authority, the University of the West Indies, and the Caribbean Agricultural Research Institute. 

5.         Health Education Division

The Mission of the Health Education Division is to educate, through the provision of information and skills, to enable individuals and communities to take responsibility for their health and to mobilize communities for the creation of an environment which promotes wellness.

Activities include school health programmes, health fairs/exhibitions, drug awareness, education programmes, immunization outreach facilitation and various health promotion campaigns. This Division is located at Level 3 Sacred Heart Building, Sackville Street, Port of Spain.  The telephone numbers are 627-8587 and 625-0197. The email address is

6.        Trinidad Public Health Laboratory

The Mission of the Trinidad Public Health Laboratory is to provide diagnostic and supportive services and the surveillance of communicable diseases, in a prompt and efficient manner and in order to improve the health status of the people of Trinidad and Tobago.

As an important arm of the Ministry’s Public Health Services, the Trinidad Public Health Laboratory, with its associated National Surveillance Unit, is solely responsible for the following functions:

  • Providing diagnostic laboratory support for both the Community Health Services and the hospitals in such specialized disciplines as Virology, and for uncommon infectious diseases, for example, Tuberculosis and such support is invariably extended to the private health sector.
  • Conducting national surveillance and other relevant epidemiologic activities exclusively in the area of communicable diseases. These functions are undertaken by the National Surveillance Unit.
  • Providing diagnostic laboratory services as an essential adjunct to national surveillance activities, particularly in the area of epidemic investigation.
  • Conducting laboratory-based surveillance activities to enable, inter alia, the early detection of newly introduced disease causing organisms into the population.
  • Providing laboratory backup support for the Public Health Inspectorate in the monitoring of food and water quality in Trinidad and Tobago. This area of responsibility includes the retail food establishment and non commercial food samples such as the School Feeding Programme and Public Institutions.
  • Providing laboratory and epidemiologic support through the conduct of seroprevalence studies in the area of Vaccine Preventable and STD’s.
  • Conducting research as may be relevant and appropriate for elucidating health problems in the area of communicable diseases.

This Division is located at Federation Park, St. Clair. The telephone number is 622-2877. The email address is

7.         Disaster Preparedness Coordinating Unit

The Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Unit is mandated to provide optimum leadership in facilitating and coordinating disaster preparedness and management systems within the Ministry of Health and the Regional Health Authority. This is done by forging and developing fully trained human resources, in order to achieve the necessary sustained Programmes in Disaster Preparedness and Management within the wider health sector in Trinidad and Tobago, in line with national policies.  This unit is located at French Village, Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Champs Fleur.  The telephone number is 663-6941. The email address is

8.         Population Programme Unit

            The Population Programme Unit was established in 1969 to facilitate the delivery of fertility management services to citizens. This department is the major provider of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services in the country. These services include fertility management in all primary care facilities, the Port of Spain General Hospital and the Mt. Hope Women’s Hospital, diagnostic screening of cervical cancer, first line counselling in SRH, specialist referrals and education and training programmes.  This Unit is located at Level 2, Sacred Heart Building, Sackville Street, Port of Spain.  The telephone numbers is 627-2004. The email address is

9.         Public Health Inspectorate

            The Public Health Inspectorate is committed to monitor, regulate, improve, maintain and adequately safeguard the public’s health and environmental health of Trinidad and Tobago. This is achieved by providing sustained effective public health and environmental health services. Such services include food and water quality, monitoring, liquid and solid waste management, vector control and management, disease surveillance and inspection of public/private premises. This Inspectorate is located at Building F1, Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Champs Fleur.  The telephone number is 645-4589. The email address is

10.       HIV/ AIDS Co-ordinating Unit

            The Mission of the HIV/AIDS Coordinating Unit is to lead the Ministry of Health’s response in reducing the incidence of HIV infections in Trinidad and Tobago and also mitigating the impact of HIV/AIDS in persons infected and affected in Trinidad and Tobago.

The HIV/AIDS Coordinating Unit (HACU) was restructured and renamed from National AIDS Programme to the HIV/AIDS Coordinating Unit in September 2006. The Unit co-ordinates and advises on policy direction, monitors and evaluates the implementation of the Ministry of Health’s response to the HIV epidemic through the HIV/AIDS Health Sector Plan (HSP). The activities identified in this plan are implemented by the Regional Health Authorities.

The Health Sector Plan covers four of the five priority areas of the National Strategic Plan.  These are:

  • Priority Area I:       Prevention
  • Priority Area II:      Treatment, Care and Support
  • Priority Area III:      Advocacy and Human Rights
  • Priority Area IV:      Surveillance and Research

            This HIV Unit is located at Level 2, Sacred Heart Building, Sackville Street, Port of Spain.  The contact number is 285-9126, extension 2446. The email address is

11.       National Blood Transfusion Service

            The Mission of the National Blood Transfusion Service is to provide safe and appropriate blood and blood components in a timely manner to all public and private health institutions.  It is located on the compound of the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) at 16-18 Jamaica Boulevard, Federation Park, St. Clair, Port-of-Spain. The telephone number is 683-0932.

Its donation component, the National Blood Donation Service, is located Opposite Memorial Park, Port-of-Spain. The telephone number is 397-7328. The email address is

12.       Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) Medical Services

            The Mission of the Expanded Programme on Immunization, Medical Services, is to eradicate, eliminate or reduce disease to the lowest levels possible through sustained Immunization of all susceptible as an essential component of primary health care.  It is located on the Ground Floor, Park Plaza.  The telephone number is 627-0010, extension 1605. The email address is

13.       Nutrition and Metabolism Division

The Mission of the Nutrition and Metabolism Division is to provide sound nutritional advice to the public as it relates to their health and their families, that is, ensuring that the public, especially the low income members, are aware of how to provide well balanced meals using the six food groups for their families, regardless of age or health status.  The Division is located at the Special Programmes and Services Unit, Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Champs Fleur.  The telephone number is 226-7778, extension 6011. The email address is

14.       School Health Programme

The School Health Programme is an initiative of the Ministry of Health to extend coverage and improve the overall quality and efficiency of the existing School Health Programme implemented by the Community Health Services in each Regional Health Authority. The Project involves hearing and vision screening in primary schools throughout Trinidad and Tobago.

The School Health Programme ensures co-ordination of services to achieve auditory and visual screening for all public and private primary school entrants, with the necessary follow-up. The focus on this target group contributes to improvement and performance levels and eventual learning outcomes of students as a whole, as detected cases are seen and referred to the relevant institutions for appropriate intervention.

In support of the initiative, a dedicated full-time team is in place to ensure sustainability and accountability. The screening is done by a number of personnel specially trained and assigned to all public and private schools throughout Trinidad and Tobago. A signed consent from parents/ guardians must precede the screening and notification of the screening outcome together with possible follow-up care are given to them. These same results are co-ordinated, reported and stored for easy future access.The School Health Programme is located at Level 1, Sacred Heart Building, Sackville Street, Port of Spain. The telephone number is 623-6376. The email address is

15.       Hansens Disease Control Unit

The Hansen’s Disease Control Unit was created to provide optimum healthcare to patients suffering from Hansen’s Disease, commonly called Leprosy.  It is located at 182 Western Main Road, Cocorite.  The telephone number is 622-3904. The email address is

16.       National Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Programme

The National Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Programme (NADAPP) coordinates drug abuse prevention and demand reduction initiatives in Trinidad and Tobago and supports the efforts of non-governmental organisations involved in the struggle to rid the nation of the scourge of drug abuse.

Its goal is to reduce both legal and illegal drug abuse through a preventative approach by informing the public of the health and social consequences of substance abuse, as well as the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

It is located at #62 Abercromby Street, Port of Spain.  The telephone numbers are 627-3506/3527. The email address is

 17.       Mental Health Unit

The Mental Health Unit is dedicated to promoting mental health, preventing mental and substance use conditions through advocacy, education, research and state-of-the-art services for all persons who suffer from a spectrum of psychiatric disorders and improving the lives of patients and their families.

The Mental Health Unit facilitates the operationalization of national mental health policies, coordinates the review updating of the existing Mental Health Legislation in Trinidad and Tobago, is responsible for the development of guidelines for quality assurance in mental healthcare and monitors and evaluates programme performance at the regional and national level.

The Unit is located at Level 5, Sacred Heart Building, Sackville Street, Port of Spain.  The telephone number is 285-9126 ext. 2577. The email address is

Other key areas of support within the Ministry include the following Units/Sections/Departments:

1. Epidemiology Division:

The Epidemiology Division monitors and coordinates all disease outbreaks in order to curtail and reduce the spread of diseases on a global level, thereby maintaining the health status of the nation to its near and possible optimum status. The Division is located at Level 1, Sacred Heart Building, Sackville Street, Port of Spain.  The telephone number is 285-9126 ext. 2433. The email address is

2. County Medical Offices of Health:

There are nine (9) County Medical Offices of Health each managed by a County Medical Officer of Health, who is responsible for:

  • Organizing, planning and directing all public health activities and programmes in this County.
  • Coordinating the operations of Health Centre Clinics and School Health Services this County.
  • Supervising a large group of Public Health, Medical and Administrative Personnel.
  • Updating staff on recent developments of Public Health issues.
  • Ensuring that provision of food and water supplies to the public are safe through registration of Food Premises, Itinerant vendors and Food Handlers with regular sampling of food and water supplies.
  • Inspecting buildings and building developments and areas in the County regarding general sanitation and ensures abatement of health nuisance.
  • Advising the Regional Corporation on Public Health matters including Vector Control.
  • Ensuring Public Health standards are administered in Public Buildings, Schools and Cinemas.
  • Providing implementation of the Public Health Ordinance, Chapter 12 No. 4.
  • Providing health promotion activities in their County.
  • Supervising Port Health activities and ensures that Port Health Legislation is implemented.
  • Ensuring the preparation of County Disaster Preparedness Plan and implementation when necessary.
  • Coordinating the provision of Medico-Legal Services to the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service.
  • Coordinating Prophylactic Treatment and Immunization for International Travellers.
  • Coordinating provision of Medical Service to the Police Hospital and the Trinidad and Tobago Prisons Service.

The County Medical Offices of Health, and their respective addresses and contact numbers, are as follows:

  1. St. George West

3-5 Jerningham Avenue


Tel.:  625-4151

Email address:

2. St. George Central

Corner Hassanali Street and El Socorro main Road

San Juan

Tel.:  285-8991, extension 4011

Email address:

3. St. George East

John Shaw Avenue


Tel.:  667-5273

Email address:

4. St. Andrew/St. David

Corner Eastern Main Road & Blake Avenue

Damarie Hill, Guaico

Sangre Grande

Tel.:  668-2053-55/668-5987

Email address:

5.  Nariva/Mayaro

County Health Administration Office

Narine Ramrattan Building

Naparima Mayaro Road

Rio Claro

Tel.:  226-9930

Email address:

6. Caroni

Southern Main Road


Tel.:  226-4400 ext. 4401/4402

Email address:

7. Victoria

160 Pointe-a-Pierre Road


San Fernando

 Tel.:  652-2016

Email address:

8. St. Patrick

Siparia Administrative Complex

Allies Street


Tel.:  226-5000

Email address:

9. Tobago

(which falls under the Tobago Regional Health Authority and the Tobago House of Assembly)

Public Health Services Department

Robinson Street


Tel.:  639-3751/660-7000

Email address:

3. National Tuberculosis Control Programme

The National Tuberculosis Control Programme was established to provide optimum health care to patients suffering from chest conditions and tuberculosis using a holistic approach with the highest standard of professionalism, respect and courtesy without prejudice.

4. Tobacco Control Unit

The Tobacco Control Unit was created pursuant to the Tobacco Control Act, Chapter 30:04, with the mandate for ensuring that the appropriate legal framework, policies and relevant structures are in place to facilitate tobacco control measures in order to protect the health and safety of our citizens, whilst simultaneously contributing to tobacco policy at the international level.

The Unit is located at the Special Programmes and Services Unit, Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Champs Fleur.  The telephone number is 226-7778, extension 6009. The email address is

5. External Patient Programme

The External Patient Programme was created in 2014 and aims at ensuring quality and timely healthcare to all citizens of Trinidad and Tobago.

The External Patient Programme manages and ensures transparency, monitoring and evaluation of a Public Private Initiative for the provision of surgical, radiological, monitoring and laboratory services including Angiogram, Dialysis, Cataract, CT/MRI Scan, Dental Surgery, Hip Replacement, Knee Replacement and Prosthetics.

It is located at, 63 Park Street, Port of Spain.  The telephone numbers are 627-0012 ext. 1605/1607/1610. The email address is

6. Drug Inspectorate Division

The Drug Inspectorate Division falls directly under the office of the Chief Medical Officer and is headed by the Principal Pharmacist. Its mission is to provide an optimal level of pharmaceutical care by monitoring and ensuring the proper use of effective, affordable and quality drugs, with specific reference to antibiotics and narcotics, which are equitably available and accessible to the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago; this function is also supported by the Antibiotic Control Committee. The Unit is located on Level 3 in the Maraj Building at #92 Frederick Street, Port-of-Spain. The email address is

Section 7(i)(a)(ii)

Categories of Documents held by the Ministry of Health

Documents held by the Ministry of Health’s Head Office include:

  1. Personnel files, re: staff appointments, job applications, job specifications, promotions, transfers, resignations, deaths, retirements, leave, medical histories, and disciplinary matters.
  2. Files on the procurement of supplies and services, equipment, maintenance and disposal thereof.
  3. Local, Foreign and Technical Co-operation assistance rendered to and provided by the Ministry of Health.
  4. Circulars, Memoranda, Notices and Bulletins.
  5. Files dealing with official functions, conferences and events hosted and attended by the Ministry of Health.
  6. Financial Records (cheques, vouchers, receipts, journals and other financial documents)
  7. Cabinet Documents.
  8. Policy and Procedure Documents.
  9. Documents relating to Health Sector Reform Programme – implementation, annual reviews, Health and Health Related programmes monitoring, consultancies and programme funding.
  10. Legislation and other Legal Instruments.
  11. Draft Bills and Draft Regulations.
  12. Legal Opinions and related matters.
  13. Contracts and Memorandum of Understandings
  14. Minutes/Agenda of Meetings.
  15. Reports: Statistical, Audit, Consultants’/Technical and Epidemiological.
  16. Inventories.
  17. Periodicals and publications.
  18. Complaint/suggestion files.
  19. Annual Reports.
  20. Information on Statutory Boards and Committees – Appointments, Terms of Reference.
  21. Information on Cabinet appointed Boards, Committees, Commissions Membership, Terms of Reference.
  22. Quality Management strategies and protocols for improved service delivery.
  23. Subventions issued to Non-governmental Organizations.

*** All legislation is available for purchase from the Government Printer and is also available on the Ministry of Legal Affairs’ website –

Section 7(i)(a)(iii)

Material Prepared for Publication/ Inspection:

The public may inspect/obtain copies of the material listed in the Ministry’s “Catalogue of Information” available in the Ministry’s Library between the hours of 8.00am and 4:15pm on Monday to Thursday and 8.00am to 4.00pm on Fridays.  The library is located at:

Chemistry, Food and Drugs Building

Level 4, #92 Frederick Street

Port of Spain

Section 7(i)(a)(iv)

The Ministry does not have any documents or literature available by subscription.

Section 7 (i)(a)(v)

General Policy for Accessing a Document from the Ministry of Health:

How to request information:

General Procedure:

In order to have the rights given to you by the Act (for example, the right to challenge a decision if your request for information is refused), you must make your request in writing.  The applicant must, therefore, complete the appropriate form (Request for Access to Official Documents) available at the office of General Administration, Ministry of Health, for information that is not readily available in the public domain.

Addressing Requests:

Refer to Section 7(1)(a)(vi) for further details.

Details in the request:

Applicants should provide details that will allow for easy identification and location of the records that are being requested.  If insufficient information is provided, clarification will be sought from the applicant.  If you are not sure how to write your request or what details to include, communicate with our designated officer.

Requests not handled under the FOIA:

The request under the Act will not be processed to the extent that it asks for information that is currently available in the public domain, either from this Ministry or another public authority, for example brochures and pamphlets etc.

Responding to request:

Retrieving Documents

The Ministry of Health is required to furnish copies of documents only when they are in possession of the Ministry of Health or can be retrieved from storage. If the information is stored in the National Archives or another storage centre, it will be retrieved in order to process your request.

Furnishing Documents

The Ministry of Health is required to:

i. Furnish copies of information in its possession, custody or power.

ii. Furnish only one copy of a document.

iii. Furnish the best copy possible and note its quality in replying.

The Ministry of Health is not required to:

i. Create new documents. For example, write a new program so that a computer will print information in the preferred format for the applicant. 

ii. Perform research for the applicant.

iii. Reconstruct any illegible copy of a document for the applicant.

Time Limits

General- TheAct sets a time limit of no later than thirty (30) calendar days for a decision to be taken as to whether to disclose the documents requested. In failing to meet the deadline, the Act gives the applicant the right to proceed as if the request has been denied. The Ministry of Health will diligently try to comply with the time limits but if it appears that processing the request may take longer than the statutory limit, an acknowledgement of the request and a status report will be provided. Since there is a possibility that the request may have been incorrectly sent or misdirected, the applicant should call or write to confirm the receipt of the request and to ascertain its status.

Time Allowed – The Ministry of Health will as far as reasonably protocols determine whether to accede to the request for access of information, as soon as practicable but no later than thirty (30) days from the date the request was received. If it is determined that the applicant is entitled to the information requested, then provision will be made for the inspection of  the document requested.

Prior to the commencement of the Act, old records may have been destroyed.  The granting of a request for such documents may, therefore, be impossible.   Various laws, regulations and manuals give the time periods for keeping records before they may be destroyed, for example the Exchequer and Audit Act, Chapter 69:01.

Section 7(1)(a)(vi):

Officers in the Public Authority Responsible for:

  1. The initial receipt of and action upon notices under Section 10 of the Act;
  2. Requests for access to documents under Section 13 of the Act: and
  3. Applications for corrections of Personal Information under Section 36 of the Act.

To facilitate prompt handling of your request, please address it to:

Ministry of Health

Attn: Mr. G.H. Weekes                         The alternate officer is

Administrative Officer IV (Ag)             Mr. Nigel Rampersad

Level 2                                                 Administrative Officer V (Ag.)

CHIC Building                                     Level 2, CHIC Building

#63 Park Street                                     Ministry of Health

Port of Spain                                         #63 Park St.

627-0010 Ext. 1408                               Port of Spain                                  627-0010 Ext. 1408                                                         

Section 7(1)(a)(vii)

Advisory Boards, Councils, Committees, and other bodies

(Meetings/Minutes are open to the public)

At the present time there are no bodies that fall within the meaning of this section of the FOIA.

Section 7(1)(a)(viii)

Library/Reading Room Facilities

Information in the public domain can be accessed in our library or through our website at

The Library/Reading Room is located at the Maraj Building, Level 4 Chemistry, Food and Drugs Division, Building, #92 Frederick Street, Port of Spain and is open to the public from Mondays to Fridays between the hours 9:00 a. m. to 3:00 p.m.


Section 8(1)(a)(1)

  1. Anatomy Act, Chapter 28:06
  2. Antibiotics Act, Chapter 30:02
  3. Births and Deaths Registration Act, Chapter 44:01
  4. Burial Grounds Act, Chapter 30:50
  5. Children’s Life Fund Act, Chapter 29:01
  6. Coroner’s Act, Chapter 6:04
  7. Cremation Act, Chapter 30:51
  8. Dangerous Drugs Act, Chapter 11:25
  9. Dental Profession Act, Chapter 29:54
  10. Emergency Ambulance Services and Emergency Medical Personnel Act, Chapter 29:02
  11. Food and Drugs Act, Chapter 30:01
  12. Freedom of Information Act, Chapter 22:02
  13. Hansen’s Disease Control Ordinance, 1961
  14. Human Tissue Transplant Act, Chapter 28:07
  15. Litter Act, Chapter 30:52
  16. Malaria Abatement Act, Chapter 28:50
  17. Medical Board Act, Chapter 29:50
  18. Mental Health Act, Chapter 28:02
  19. Nursing Personnel Act, Chapter 29:53
  20. Opticians Registration Act, Chapter 29:51
  21. Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Act, 1979
  22. Pharmacy Board Act, Chapter 29:52
  23. Private Hospitals Act, Chapter 29:52
  24. Professions Related to Medicine Act, Chapter 90:04
  25. Public Health Ordinance, Chap. 12 No. 4
  26. Public Health (Nursery Schools and Primary Schools Immunization) Act, Chapter 28:03
  27. Quarantine Act, Chapter 28:05
  28. Regional Health Authorities Act, Chapter 29:05
  29. Schools (Medical Inspection) Act, Chapter 28:04
  30. Tobacco Control Act, Chapter 30:04
  31. Tuberculosis Control Act, Chapter 28:51
  32. Venereal Disease Act, Chapter 28:52
  33. Tissue Transplant Act, Chapter 28:07
  34. Cremation Regulations (1970)
  35. Dental Regulations (1982)
  36. Emergency Ambulance Services and Emergency Medical Personnel Regulations (2013)
  37. Food and Drugs Regulations (1964)
  38. Fish and Fishery Products Regulations (1998)
  39. Human Tissue Transplant Regulations (2004)
  40. Litter Act (Fixed Penalty Procedure) Regulations (1981)
  41. Medical Board (Fees) Regulations (1966)
  42. Medical Board Regulations (1904)
  43. Medical Board (Specialist Registration) Regulations (2014)
  44. Nurses and Midwives Registration Regulations (1993)
  45. Opticians (Registration and License Fees) Regulations (1993)
  46. Pesticides (Registration and Import Licensing) Regulations (1987)
  47. Pesticides (Importation) Regulations (1987)
  48. Pesticides (Licensing of Premises) Regulations (1987)
  49. Pharmacy Board Regulations (1987)
  50. Pharmacy Board (Sale of OTC Drugs) Regulations (2000)
  51. Private Hospitals Regulations (1976)
  52. Professions Related to Medicine Rules (2003)
  53. Public Health (Cholera) Regulations (1994)
  54. Public Health [2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Regulations (2020, 2021, 2022)
  55. Quarantine (Maritime) Regulations (1944)
  56. Quarantine (Air) Regulations (1944)
  57. Regional Health Authorities (Contracting for Goods and Services Regulations) (1995)
  58. Regional Health Authorities (Conduct) Regulations (2009)
  59. Tobacco Control Regulations (2013)
  60. Toxic Chemicals Regulations (2007)
  61. Transportation of Human Remains Regulations (1969)
  62. Yellow Fever Regulations (1979)

Section 8(1)(a)(ii)

List of Polices and Standard Operating Procedures

  1. A Caribbean Communicable Disease Surveillance Manual for Action
  2. A Code of Ethics in the Practice of Medicine
  3. Accreditation Standards Manual for the Health Sector
  4. Admission and Discharge Planning Protocol
  5. Adverse Events Policy
  6. Anti-Fraud Policy
  7. Assessment Instrument for Accreditation Standards Manual for the Health Sector
  8. Breastfeeding Counselling Guide
  9. Code of Practice for Biological Waste Management
  10. Dengue Guidelines for Diagnoses, Treatment, Prevention and Control
  11. Emergency Ambulance Policy
  12. Guidelines for Hearing Screening School Health Programme
  13. Health Sector Workplace HIV and AIDs Policy
  14. HIV Testing and Counselling Policy
  15. Hospital Visit Policy
  16. Immunization Manual for Health Professional
  17. Information Manual for Health Professional
  18. Managing Diabetes in Primary Care in the Caribbean
  19. Managing Hypertension in Primary Care in the Caribbean
  20. Mass Causality Plan
  21. Maternal and Child Health Manual
  22. Medical Records Policy and Procedure Manual
  23. National Breastfeeding Policy
  24. National Blood Transfusion Policy Guidelines
  25. National Drug Formulary
  26. National Drug policy
  27. National Health Disaster Operational Plan
  28. National Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Manual
  29. National Mental Health Policy
  30. National Oral Health Policy
  31. National Policy on Incentive Care Services
  32. National Policy for Medical Internship
  33. National Policy on Post Exposure Prophylaxis
  34. National Policy on Universal Access
  35. National Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy
  36. Policy for Treating with Non-Nationals with respect to Public Health Care Services
  37. Obstetric Protocols for managing High Risk Pregnancies
  38. Oral Health Policy
  39. OSH and Health Management Policy
  40. Plan of Action on an Integrated Approach to the Prevention and Control of NCDs
  41. Patient Care Risk Reduction Protocol
  42. Patient Transfer and Referral Protocol
  43. Patients Charter of Rights and Obligations
  44. Policy Development Manual
  45. Policy on Health Services Accreditations
  46. Policy on Advance Nursing Practice
  47. Post Exposure Prophylaxis Policy
  48. Practice standards for Patient Care Assistants
  49. Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV
  50. Protocol for the diagnosis for Brainstem Death
  51. Protocol on the Care of Patients Accessing Cervical Screening Services
  52. Protocol on the Care of Patients Accessing Mammography Services
  53. Protocol to Guide the Delivery of Services in Accident and Emergency Departments
  54. Protocol to introduce Quality Management at District Health Facilities
  55. Public Volunteer Programme
  56. Quality2001: A Reality
  57. Quality Control in Radiology Procedures Manual
  58. Referral/Transfer Protocol
  59. Scope of Practice for the Generalist and Specialty Nurse
  60. Shaping performance: A manual for Performance Management in the Public Service of Trinidad and Tobago
  61. Standard Operating Procedures for Obstetric Services
  62. Standard Operating Procedures for Emergency Services
  63. Standard Operating Procedures Quality Auditing Process
  64. Standards for Neonatal Care
  65. Sterilization Manual of Health Centres
  66. The Code of Practice for Bio-Medical Waste in Trinidad and Tobago
  67. Towards Health Nation
  68. TQM Handbook
  69. Trinidad and Tobago Communicable Disease Surveillance Manual
  70. Uniform Policy for Nursing Personnel

Section 9 Statements

Section 9(1)(a) to (e), (g) to (m)

At this time no documents that fall within the meaning of this section of this Act are lodged at the Ministry of Health.

Section 9(1)(f)

A report prepared for the public authority by a consultant who was paid for preparing the report;

  1. Design/Supervision for Upgrade EWMSC & Mt. Hope Maternity
  2. Design/Supervision for Pt. Fortin, SFGH & some Health Centres Under HSRP
  3. Design/Supervision for Scarborough & POSGH Under HSRP
  4. Design & Supervision for Health Centres Under HSRP
  5. Project Management Consultants for Infrastructure under HSRP
  6. Design & Supervision for Health Centres Under HSRP
  7. Health facilities Maintenance & Engineering
  8. Feasibility Study Point Fortin Hospital
  9. Design & Supervision Consultants for SFGH Old Wing
  10. National Oncology Centre, Operationalisation of Scarborough Hospital, Techno-Economic Feasibility
  11. National Oncology Centre, Operationalisation of Scarborough Hospital
  12. RHA Management Systems
  13. Health Facilities Accreditation System/Health Needs Assessment
  14. Technical Assistance-Institutional Strengthening
  15. Technical Advice on upgrade of National Radiotherapy Centre
  16. Quality Management Training (Local Promotion & Training)
  17. Actuarial Review of Pension Fund
  18. Short Term HR/IR Support to MOH/EHAs/Transfer Options
  19. Annual Financial & Accounting Audit of HSRP
  20. Primary Care Systems Development (Including Health Promotion and Counter-parting),
  21. Technical Study Waste Management System
  22. Social marketing and Research Services
  23. Change Management Consultancy, 2008
  24. Business Plan Model plus Business Plan (2008-2013)

It is material to note that with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there was administrative oversight and the Ministry did not publish Annual Statements for the years 2020 and 2021.

The Ministry sincerely apologizes in this regard.



Ministry of Health
4-6 Queen's Park East
Port-of-Spain 101002
Trinidad and Tobago

+1 (868)-217-4MOH (4664)


Ambulance: 811

Police: 999

Fire: 990

ODPM: 511

TEMA: 211


Insect Vector Control: 800-IVCD

Chemistry, Food and Drugs: 800-CFDD

Chronic Disease Assistance: 800-CDAP