Monthly Archives: July 2020

Mental Health

Mental Health is a state of emotional, physical, social, and spiritual well-being. Many factors such as stress, change and situations outside of our

Insect Vector Control

There are several diseases that are transmitted by insects or other organisms in Trinidad and Tobago that are potentially hazardous to the health of

Vaccines and Immunization

The Ministry of Health provides immunization services at no charge to residents of Trinidad and Tobago through its Expanded Programme on Immunization

Health Audiology Screening in Schools

The mission of the Audiology Services is to promote the hearing health of the population of Trinidad and Tobago through the promotion of:

Health Education

The mission of the Health Education Division is to educate, through the provision of information and skills, to enable individuals and communities

Hansen's Disease Control Programme

Hansen's Disease Hansen’s disease, commonly called leprosy, is a slightly infectious, chronic disease caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium

External Patient Programme

The External Patient Programme was established in 2014 and aims at ensuring quality and timely healthcare to all citizens of Trinidad and Tobago in

Environmental Health

Core Function of the Environmental Health Unit Environmental Health is responsible for the effective control and prevention of Environmental

Dental Services

The mission of the Dental Services Division is to improve the oral health of all citizens by the provision of quality oral health care and to ensure

County Medical Officers of Health

The County Medical Officer of Health plays an important role in public health at the Ministry of Health. There are nine (9) County Medical Officers

Ministry of Health
4-6 Queen's Park East
Port-of-Spain 101002
Trinidad and Tobago

+1 (868)-217-4MOH (4664)


Ambulance: 811

Police: 999

Fire: 990

ODPM: 511

TEMA: 211


Insect Vector Control: 800-IVCD

Chemistry, Food and Drugs: 800-CFDD

Chronic Disease Assistance: 800-CDAP