Building a Community of Good
One Initiative at a Time... One Person at a Time
In Trinidad and Tobago, just over 20,000 units of blood are donated by the members of the public annually. However, the WHO recommends that we should collect one unit for every 20 people every year. The need for blood is increasing in Trinidad and Tobago and young people can make an important contribution by donating blood and by recruiting other young people to become donors.

Who can donate blood?
The Ministry of Health is appealing to all persons who eligible to donate blood to become a voluntary blood donor. Donated blood from just one (1) person could save up to three (3) lives. A person is eligible to be a voluntary blood donor if:
- He/she is in generally good health.
- The minimum age limit for donating blood is 17 years, with consent. Click Here to download the Consent Form. There is no upper age limit for donating blood. The screening procedure at the Blood Bank will determine your eligibility to donate blood.
- He/she weighs more than one hundred and ten (110) pounds.
How can I donate blood?
Blood can be donated by anyone meeting the health criteria for donating blood:
- Visit any of our Blood Bank Services
- Fill out a registration form and an interview will be conducted.
- For you own safety, you will be asked for information: your medical history and a mini-medical examination will be done.
- If you are selected to make a donation, your blood will be tested for certain infections before use, including HIV, Viral Hepatitis B and C, HTLVI, Syphilis and Chagas Disease.
- You will be notified in the event of a positive result for any of these tests. Your blood is also tested for haemoglobin concentration.
A nurse (trained Phlebotomist) will draw your blood. There is a 15-minute mandatory rest period after giving blood before you are allowed to leave the centre.
Become a True Voluntary Blood Donor Today

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About the National Blood Transfusion Service
The NBTS will be the National Coordinator for a safe, adequate, sustainable and equitable supply of blood and blood products, based on 100% voluntary, non-remunerated blood donations within Trinidad and Tobago.
To transform the NBTS into the central reference centre for safe and adequate blood services within an Integrated Blood Network that is based on 100% voluntary non-remunerated blood donations. The NBTS collects, screens and distributes a safe, adequate supply of blood and blood components (such as plasma, red blood cells and platelets) to meet the medical needs of the country. It is the only authorized blood collection agency in Trinidad and Tobago. There are six (6) blood collection centres located at the major hospitals across Trinidad and Tobago and a Mobile Unit.
Port of Spain – NWRHA
Phone: 397-7328
Address: #2 Queen's Park East, Port of Spain.
Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 2:30pm
Saturdays, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
San Fernando – SWRHA
Phone: 653-8283
Address: Ground Floor, San Fernando General Hospital, Independence Avenue, San Fernando
Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 2:30pm
Saturdays, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Phone: 225 HOPE (4673) EXT 2008/2059/2231
Hours of Operation:
Monday to Saturday, 7:00am to 3:00pm
Arima General Hospital – NCRHA
Phone: 612 2454 Ext. 2011/2036
Address: Queen Mary Avenue, Arima
Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 2:30pm
Point Fortin – SWRHA
Phone: 225-4325 Ext 4878/4879
Address: Level Two, Point Fortin Hospital, Corner Point Fortin & Techier Main Roads, Point Fortin
Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 2:30pm
Saturdays, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Sangre Grande – ERHA
Phone: 668 – 2273/ 226 – 9779
Address: Katwaroo Trace Entrance of the Sangre Grande Hospital
Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 2:30pm
Saturdays, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Tobago – TRHA
Phone: 639 – 2551, 660 – 4744 Ext. 3099
Address: Scarborough General Hospital Laboratory, Signal Hill, Tobago
Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.