The Occupational Health Unit of the Ministry of Health is responsible for ensuring the Ministry’s compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Act 1/04 (amended). The Ministry of Health also exercises oversight over the Regional Health Authorities as per the dictates of the Ministry's OSH Management Policy. The Ministry of Health has accelerated its efforts to protect and promote workers' health and well-being. In this regard, the Occupational Health Unit is also required to actively collaborate with the OSH Agency, the Trinidad and Tobago Medical Association and various other sector stakeholders regarding work-related injuries and illnesses, and social and economic impacts. The intention is to identify at-risk occupational groups and industries, and to develop and promote implementation of evidence-based interventions. This is in keeping with our Public Health mandate, in concert with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and in alignment with the PAHO/WHO's Global Plan of Action on Workers' Health.
Contact Information
Ministry of Health
4 - 6 Queen's Park East
Port of Spain
Telephone: (868)-217-4664 Ext.13821 - 13823