The Special Select Committee of the Senate – The Tobacco Control Bill, 2008, was appointed on November 18, 2008 to consider and report to the Senate on the Tobacco Control Bill, 2008. The Members of the Committee are: Mrs. Hazel Manning (Chairman), Mr. Jerry Narace, Dr. Emily Gaynor Dick-Forde, Ms. Cindy Devika Sharma and Ms. Dana Seetahal, SC.
Details on The Tobacco Control Bill, 2008:
AN ACT to prevent tobacco use by young people; enhance public awareness of the hazards of tobacco use and ensure that consumers are provided with information to make more fully informed decisions about using tobacco; protect individuals from exposure to tobacco smoke; prohibit or restrict promotional practices; prevent illegal conduct, including but not limited to smuggling; provide for regulation of tobacco products to mitigate against the harmful effects of tobacco; provide for sufficient regulatory flexibility to respond to new technological and scientific innovations and findings and to changes in consumer behaviours; create a national co-ordinating institution for tobacco control and provide for other related matters and purposes.
The purpose of this Bill is to implement the requirements contained in the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control which Trinidad and Tobago signed on 27th August, 2003 and ratified on 19th August, 2004 and which entered into force on 27th February, 2005. The Bill must be passed by a special (three-fifths) majority in both Houses. After being passed the resulting Act will require proclamation.
Click here to read the text of the Tobacco Control Bill, 2008