The government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, through the Ministry of Health, is committed to maintaining rigorous systems that enable proper vaccine storage, distribution, handling and management. The ultimate goal is to ensure availability of quality vaccines in the health centres for the public.
Vaccines are safely provided to the public through the supply chain process. This process is a set of rules and procedures that ensure the proper storage and distribution of vaccines to health facilities.
In Trinidad and Tobago, cold chain is an important link in the supply chain process. It involves proper refrigeration equipment that allows vaccines to be continuously stored at recommended temperatures, from manufacture to the moment of administration, to maintain their potency.
Temperatures that are too high or too low can cause the vaccine to lose its ability to protect against diseases. Therefore, vaccine delivery, storage and management play a significant role in vaccine safety.
The ultimate goal is to ensure availability of quality vaccines in the health centers, and ultimately, the population of Trinidad and Tobago.